Generation 3
Tire Conversion Systems
Generation 3
Tire Conversion Systems
The new Generation 3 Scrap Tire to Carbon Black Conversion Technologies are capable not only to recover carbon blacks from tires, but also upgrade them to higher grades comparing to the ones originally built into the tires. This means that rCB has higher structure and higher surface area, which translates to higher market value.
Different tire parts are built using different carbon black components of different grade as shown in the ASTM Grades chart below. Since, the major concern is in-rubber performance of rCB, the surface area axis in the chart is represented by STSA (i.e. External Surface Area) and not by N2SA/BET (Total Nitrogen Surface Area), as STSA represent the carbon black surface accessible to rubber molecules.
The tire rubber fed into the conversion process contains a mix of the carbon black components originally built into the tire – this issue is relevant to Generation 3 conversion technologies too. However, in case of Generation 3, each rCB component is not only recovered from a tire, but also is upgraded. Therefore, the resulting mix has higher properties' values, as they are averaging the respective properties of upgraded carbon black components – see Generation 3 rCB Grades chart below.
“rCB in-rubber performance shift” phenomenon, is relevant to Generation 3 technologies too: the rCBs with higher values of colloidal properties (e.g. surface area and structure), typical for higher grades, when used in-rubber, perform as lower vCB grades. However, due to the “upgrade feature” of Generation 3 technologies the values of their colloidal properties may be much higher, than in case of Generation 2 technologies. Therefore, even considering “rCB in-rubber performance shift” phenomenon, the Generation 3 rCB in-rubber performance is better than the same of Generation 2 technologies.
Comparing to Generations 1 and 2 technologies, Generation 3 processes leverage more chemical reactions, reagents and process parameters to control the properties of the rCB produced from the same feedstock. Our patented G3C Technology is the first Generation 3 Scrap Tire to Carbon Black Conversion technology.
Generation 3 Tire Conversion Technologies will enhance the variety of rCB industry products, enable higher prices and open new and exclusive for this generation high grade rCB market segments.